Tuesday, June 28, 2011

moving time

And here we go....
The movers came today to do the estimates... I forgot and the house was trashed! At least the dishes were done. So now starts the fun part- organizing and trash... UGH We have never lived in one place long enough to get this much crap.

So, here i go with a trash bag to the attic to start junking. BAHHHHHHHH
If you don't hear from me before nap time is up ... come find me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Autumn's Easter Dress

As you know I have been miss crafty lately. My first big sewing project was my daughters easter dress.

 I followed a crochet and fabric dress pattern, this pattern for her ponchette via Ravelry, and the flower patterns came from SanzzieDrawers. I love her!  It turned out beautifully. After a few tries... the top was entirely to big for my 8 month old- she is a very small girl. I made adjustments to make the ponchette and the top of her dress to fit. The fabric came from an old pillow sham! I love it! Even her head band came from peices of the sham. Oh, the name block you see above is from Birdie Baby Boutique! She does a fab job and ships APO. Check her out on etsy too!

I have fallen in love with my sewing machine lately. I will be posting pics of her 2nd pillow case dress and instructions as to how I made it. Because the first one was a bust!

xoxo Tam

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I have pushed it off and refused to do it and convinced myself to hate it. But, I may have convinced myself to learn to knit. It will be a in between moving project. But it is worth a shot.
So.. now I need to research and get on the wagon.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Life has been fun lately. Autumn is becoming mobile. She is keeping me on my toes. I am making progress on her dress... Not to sure if I will do this again. Making this dress has been time consuming to say the least.

Life here in the Netherlands has been fun and is interesting. But I am looking forward to being home again. (to the military home is anywhere stateside!)We are going to go to Delft, Den Haag and the beach one weekend and we are also going to spend the night in Brugge. I am looking forward to it.

Our biggest delimas at the moment are Autumns birthday and shipping our rotty mix Brama. Dates and heat restrictions are not helping us out. We are just waiting for the papers before we can do anything....

I cannot wait to get to GA and have a REAL fish fry! The dutch eat fried fish but it is not at all like ours! And coleslaw and real american bbq! I cant wait to get bbq from the chruch where my momma lives. I am ready to come home... 116 days and counting!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This month in review

Weight loss
I HATE DIETING! WIth that being said... i hate being chunky even worse. No one ever told me that with a c-section comes a year of hell with weight loss. oh and my scale is broken... er dead batteries. But if you live here you know how slim the chances are the px will have the batteries you need!
My goal- packing my size 6 pants before the movers get here! With out a muffin top!
My strategy- SLim fast 3-2-1 plan and Cha-lean Extreme. I started Chalean yesterday and let me tell you I'm SORE! In a very good way! I think that she is more fun than Insanity by a long shot! I have started Slimfast 3-2-1 today and it sucks but I already feel that this will be the best effective method for my lifestyle. And it helps with the dishes! ;)
I must be shorts ready for Georgia!

I have found that starting a biz is hard. There is not a lot of realiable sources out there. Especially for online boutiques. So far I have found that I need an EIN to file taxes and order supplies in bulk. Register the name in the state in which i reside... thats a problem with mil spouses considering I move every 3 years! AND I am not in the states right now! Get an LLC or a DBA... I think that I am going to go the LLC route. And some of the things that I have read says that I need a biz lawyer... lordy lordy! After I get Tittle-Tatle up running and moving I am starting a "Start your own online boutique blog" linked to my website! This is just insane!

The Move oconus to conus
It is a headache... more so than moving in. Now we have a dog. A BIG dog. yea.... 4.5 months left... Honestly, i am a little nervous about moving back. Just piles and piles of paper work, meetings and so on. We will survive! The worst part is that Autumn's first birthday is 6 days before we fly out... If you know me then you know that I am still trying to work out a plan for her first party... If you are in the area and have ideas let me know! Thanks!

Now... I am hungry.. i think ill go have some cake.. I mean fruit! :P

Tam - your local unorgainized mom

ps.. thanks to all of the wives around here for the invites to baby showers and events you guys are awesome! The first thing im doing when I get back is sifting through my friends list. I hope i have better luck with the wives at our next post... something tells me other wise. At least ill have more time for college and finally get my degree done!


Italia Roma 2011 march

The hotel- we stayed at the royal palace hotel. It is a 5-10 minute walk to the Vatican. The hotel has 10 rooms and a really bad view! The floors were texturized wo we had to wear shoes all the time and Autumn couldn't crawl on the floor. The room was nice and cozy other than the floors. The hotel provided wireless Internet. They also brought breakfast tom the room. Lots of bread, cereal, eggs, meat, cheese, juice and coffee. A suitable breakfast for a family backpacking Rome.

The food - AMAZING! While there we had- gelato in vanilla, cookie, cappuccino and lemon. Proschuto de prima sandwhiches, spahgetti, tortallini, tiramisu, lemon cake, lemon chelo, wild berry crepe, all kinds of pizza, cappuccino, water form the fountains of Rome, Italian coke, olives, mozzarella,wine and bread. I really think that Italy is God's kitchen!

The flight- we flew from Brussels to champigono via Ryan air. While it was cheap I am not a fan. Tho we will probably fly through them again. If you leave ur ticket at home you will pay for another. Bad customer service! But u get what you pay for. No assigned sitting. Was weird for me but neat. The stroller survived to and from and so did Autumn. It wasnt bad at all but we had to pay from autumns return ticket twice. The parking cost 55 euro for 5 days. It as fine.

The tour - we paid for a tour of the vaticAc, basilica, an Sistine chapel. The lady that gave us the tour was very I formative and nice. We really enjoyed it. Michell Angelo is kind of An ass. The story has it the pope Of that time hired M.A. to paint and his paintings were not very"catholic" so one of the cardinals kept running to the pope about every tiny thing that M.A. painted. He pissed off M.A. so much that the wall of the last judgment he painted this cardinal in hell with donkey ears and a snake wrapped around him I hell. This cardinal went to the pope and he asked him to get him out of hell. The pope said that his jurisdiction is heaven, he had no jurisdiction over hell. He told the cardinal that he would have to stay I hell. There was nothing that he could do! I thought that was interesting.

Places we saw- Castel St. Angelico at night. It was pretty. Piazza Navona, had very pretty fountains. I thin, we went to the Spanish steps... Idk. We saw the great mouth. Where parliament goes. Collessium, and the ruins, where the Christians were persecuted, the chariot park.. And the list goes on!

It was amazing and if you can go to Italy do! Take an extra suitcase for souvenirs and stay for at least 2 weeks! Oh, and Italians loooooooooooove babies!

Side note-the hotel did not have a p lace for autumn to sleep so she slept in a drawer that pulled out from under the bed. I lined i t with a thick quilt provided by the hotel and she slept safe and sound!

Friday, February 25, 2011

30 before 35

1- learn to make pasta homemade
2-learn to loom weave
3- leanr how to stamp metal and make jewelery
4- learn how to sew
5- learn how to spin yarn
6- get orgainized
7- have 4 chidren (3 will do)(Autumn, Winter, Summer and August)
8- make pasteries
9-learn to decorate cake
10-foster children
11- finish history degree
12- volunteer
13-learn about sports
14-go to italy
15- go to greece
16- poland
17 madrid
18- go to a bunch of countries
19-go antique shopping
20 make a coffee mug set
21-work at a bakery
22-work at a coffee shop
24- learn some fighting skill so i can beat joe at something
25-build a memory trunk for all of my children
26- learn wood working
27- make a bottle cap coffee table
28- get a dog a train it well- shiba inu

more later